Wednesday 12 October 2011

Day three afternoon session

Boyatsis's Theory of intentional change

utilize to enable effective coaching
LEadership coach in stage 1;
  • Establish relationship with participant
  • Help to review 360 diagnostic
Leadership coach in stage 2;
  • Keeping the partcipant on track
  • ACtion planning through open ended questions
  • Processing the learning from face to face sessions
  • Preparing the learning at face to face
  • DEveloping a baseline to enable progress measurement
Leadership coach in stage 3;
  • Helping to focus on closing the gap issues
  • Helping to process the data- waht is this teaching you
  • Assisting with impact measurement
How will we address the role of the coaches;
  • Share what the MLDP prog involves
  • Outline their roles and responsibiliites
  • What do they understand as a coach
  • Coaching resource for those unaware (not our role to develop their coaching skills)
  • Make sure they are aware of supporting and challengeing the participant
  • Develop a skeleton structure for coaches to use
How will i develop as a facilitator?
  • use pentagon review to find my areas of weakness and act upon these,
  • use the points from my co-facilitator we established earlier
Evening task
"How will you help your leadership coaches understand their role and become successful in supporting the role of your middle leaders?"

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